Just give in to it and let the snow pile up.
Have your mother dump a load of laundry, still warm from the dryer, on you.
Wrap her clean, warm panties around your head.
Sit still and contemplate how pretty your glossy black feathers look against all that snow.
Leave a door in your heart (and your playhouse) open.
Be really annoying while looking really innocent.
Lick someone's paw.
Lick someone's face, even though they pull away.
Yawn your stinky dog breath in someone's face.
Sit around looking really sleepy and bored.
Hug your dog and sass your mama.
Sweep the car.
Scrape the ice.
Lose your gloves and use your mama's gardening gloves instead.
Practice your photography skills.
Catch snowflakes on your tongue.
Let the snow wash over your face.
Make your mama put down her camera for a snowball fight.
Accept the things you cannot change and let the snow pile up.